Thursday, July 21, 2011

Radio Silence

Not to much is going on lately at the River Ln farm.  It's to hot to do anything outside, there's a big snake living in my flower bed and a small snake living in the basement so now I have a ton of weeds in the flower bed and I'm to chicken to go down in the basement to cool off. 

The garden is perking up after the wind storm a couple of weeks ago.  My corn is back to its upright position and the tomatoes are climbing their trellising twine.  I'm guessing because of the heat we're going to have a bumper crop of tomatoes just in time to make salsa! 

Work is going well and I'm learning more and more every day.  I was telling my boss the other day that I've learned more in the last month from  him than I did in my last 9 months at my previous job.  It's nice to actually be using my education! 

It's farmers market time and I hit up the one in Chilton every Friday to get my lettuce, my first attempt at lettuce ended in an epic fail but I'm not upset in the least.  There is a farmer at the market that had the best lettuce I've ever had so the disappointment I felt in my mini lettuce gardens is quickly washed away as soon as I open up that little bag of yummy!  My other favorite person at the market is the woman who sells the hydroponic tomatoes.  They are the absolute best tomatoes I've ever had and because they are hydroponic they have a consistent taste through out the year.  I will never have to buy mealy yucky tomatoes again!  Besides Chilton I try and hit up at least one if not two more farmers markets during the week to get all of the produce we need to get us through.

I've been designing market garden plans, learning about manure, fertilizer and compost and what I want to add to my veggies to make them more profitable for the upcoming years.  I think the librarian doesn't think I sleep for the amount of books I check out in a week.  She always has some funny comment about the books that I check out and how they are always on farming, gardening and cooking.  Well why bother reading if you're not passionate about it or enjoy it!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Garden envy

This is the lovely Amish garden I drive past every day on the way to and from work.  I'm super jealous of the lack of weeds and how green it looks! 

This is another garden on the way to work.  The stakes in the middle are actually tomato trellises.  The tomato plants wrap around the rope hanging down and it provides support and is easier to control the taller bushier plants as the metal tomato cages tend to tip over and are rarely tall enough to support the whole tomato plant. 

This is my sad weed garden.  I've been making progress on it so I will take another picture but there's still a ton of quack grass in it and it's just in a very sad state right now.